"The heavens declare the glory of God."

The Village Church That Cares!

Sunday Mornings

Worship for all ages @ 10:30am

Upcoming Events

    We are living in unsettled times. It is easy to lose heart and become discouraged. God’s word provides countless lessons on individuals who were called to stand strong in the face of opposition. Such was the case with Joshua. He was called to lead God’s people following the death of Moses. Join with us over the winter months as Pastor George offering a preaching series leading us through the life and experiences of Joshua. Let us stand together and practice Courageous Living.

    About Our Church

    Villa Nova Baptist Church is a welcoming, caring place for friends, family and community to gather together to worship and grow in our faith as we learn about God’s faithfulness and Christ’s love for us.

    Phone: 519-443-8082
    Address: 766 Villa Nova Rd. Villa Nova, ON. N0E 1Y0

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